ALCS Educational Writers’ Award open for entries
This year’s ALCS Educational Writers' Award (EWA) is open for entries and we’re looking for an outstanding example of traditionally published non-fiction that stimulates and enhances learning.
If you’ve written non-fiction for 5- to 11-year olds that was first published in the UK in the English language in 2017 or 2018, enter now for your chance to win the £2,000 award, the UK’s sole book prize for creative educational writing.
The deadline for entry is Monday 10 June, 5pm (GMT) and the winner will be announced at a ceremony in December 2019.
Awarded annually, the age range of the books under consideration alternates each year. Last year’s winner for the 11-18 age group was Cath Senker for her powerful, moving book about refugees and migrants, Far From Home (Franklin Watts).
Now in its eleventh year, the Educational Writers’ Award was established in 2008 by ALCS and the Society of Authors (SoA) to ‘celebrate educational writing that inspires creativity and encourages students to read widely and build up their understanding of a subject beyond the requirements of exam specifications’.
To enter, or to read the terms and conditions for entering the award, visit the Society of Authors’ website.