ALCS Distribution September 2017: some statistics
In September 2017, ALCS paid out £9.8 million to more than 24,000 members.
We’re pleased to announce that ALCS paid out almost £750,000 more in last month’s distribution than in September 2016, and that the number of recipients increased by more than 1,500. The total paid out this year now stands at approximately £32 million net.
Payment ranges
13,085 recipients (54%) received between £10 and £100, with 9,219 (38%) receiving between £100 and £1,000.
Other facts and figures
- 17,589 payees were UK based, with 6,522 based overseas.
- The top five countries where members received payments (in rank order): UK, USA, Australia, Canada and France.
- The top three TV shows for which payements were made (in rank order): Hollyoaks, EastEnders and Holby City.
- The top three books were a health and safety title, and two maths books.
- Writers for a TV wildlife documentary, a travel documentary and a children’s TV show were among our top ten payees in this distribution.
- The top three sources of income were: the Copyright Licensing Agency schools, UK educational recording, BBC retransmission.
There are two ALCS distributions each year. March is the larger of the two, when the majority of members receive their secondary royalties. The September distribution remunerates members mainly from audiovisual (AV) sources and educational sources.
Think you might have been due a payment but didn’t get a notification? Check our September distribution piece for more information.