ALCS Deputy CEO Barbara Hayes has written to the Chancellor once again this month about the level of UK Public Lending Right (PLR) funding, and the removal of VAT on audiobooks.
The letter urged the Chancellor to increase funding for PLR, which has not been raised for many years. Such an increase would support the many authors whose works line the shelves of UK libraries.
The letter also argued for an extension to the removal of VAT on ebooks to cover audiobooks, which are popular with many families and crucial to people with visual impairment. Such a measure has been championed by Axe the Reading Tax, a campaign that ALCS supports and which saw the successful removal of VAT on ebooks earlier this year.
Read the full letter here.
If you’re a writer who is a named contributor of a book or you’re entitled to a royalty payment from your publishers, we encourage you to register for UK PLR to ensure you receive the money you’re owed for the library loans of your works.
To find out more about the scheme, including whether you’re eligible and information on how to apply, visit bl.uk/plr/registration-service
Take a look at the latest PLR borrowing figures, including first-time figures for the borrowing of ebooks, here.