Are you an author and a teacher?
The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) needs your help to support its Schools Copyright Awareness Campaign.
CLA is responsible for licensing schools to copy published materials and for collecting the data that informs ALCS royalty payments for authors. All state schools in the UK, and many independent schools and FEIs, are covered by the CLA Education Licence but we are aware that many teachers still don’t know they have a licence, how it works, and why licence fees are so important to authors.
So this autumn CLA, with the backing of many major educational publishers, will be launching a Copyright Licence Awareness Campaign. Their aim is to raise awareness of copyright and licences, demonstrate how teachers can make the most of copying permissions and how valuable it is to respect copyright.
They believe that one of the key ways to make teachers aware of the importance of these issues is to hear their own peer group talking about it and so they would like to ask for your help if you are an author and a teacher.
If you are able to help in any way by speaking or writing in support of this campaign, CLA is organising a get together to hear your ideas and we encourage you to get involved. Details are to be confirmed and if you’re interested in attending (or otherwise supporting it) please contact Education Licences Manager, Julie Murray.