CLA’s application for extended collective licensing: update
The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) has decided, in consultation with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO), to withdraw its application to operate an extended collective licensing scheme.
This withdrawal is a response to the evolving EU legal framework that may affect the regulation of national extended collective licensing systems. While this situation persists, CLA’s priority must be to continue to operate its existing and well understood licensing scheme for the benefit of both its licence-holders and the right holders it represents.
An Extended Collective Licensing scheme would be the first of its kind in the UK and it is important that it is introduced at an appropriate time. CLA intends therefore to reapply when the legislative position is clearer. The IPO fully respects and supports CLA’s position at this time.
In the meantime, right holders and licence-holders will not be affected by this decision and existing activities will continue.
CLA has reached this decision in close consultation with the IPO and with the full support of its member organisations: the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS), the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS), and PICSEL.
A copy of the press release can be viewed here.