CLiPPA 2018: winner announced
A celebration of children’s poetry, the ALCS-sponsored CLiPPA 2018 (Centre for Literacy in Primary Poetry Award) was an afternoon of wonderfully enthusiastic performances from schools across the UK, and the announcement of the CLiPPA 2018 winner.
The CLiPPA 2018 event took place on 22 June at the National Theatre, where school children from around the country were invited to attend along with poets and other figures in the poetry world.
Hip-hop artist and debut poet Karl Nova was announced as the winner for Rhythm and Poetry (Caboodle Books). Rising Stars (Otter-Barry Books), a collection of poetry by Ruth Awolola, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Abigail Cook, Jay Hulme and Amina Jama, was highly commended.
Rhythm and Poetry is Nova’s first published book of poems drawn from his extensive work as a poetry educator and the many workshops he holds in schools. His poems explore the musicality of poetry, and demonstrate the currency of rap as an art form while also highlighting its significance to young people.
Louise Johns-Shepherd, Chief Executive, CLPE said: “At CLPE, we are determined to celebrate the very best children’s poetry by involving more schools, producing more resources and getting more poetry books into schools. We promote it, we research it, we help teachers to use it in schools – we are poetry because poetry is the gateway to literacy”.
Barbara Hayes, Deputy Chief Executive, ALCS said: “ALCS is dedicated to encouraging young people to get involved with reading and writing. By sponsoring the CLiPPA and CLPE, we hope more school children will be able to enjoy poetry and take their first steps towards loving literacy”.
ALCS is delighted to be the major sponsor of the CLiPPA for the first time this year. As part of our sponsorship package we have shared important messages and resources about copyright with participants of the CLiPPA shadowing scheme across the country, and we are thrilled to be able to support an award that’s dedicated to encouraging children to embrace reading and writing.
You can download copies of the resources that were shared here.
For further information about the CLiPPA awards, please visit:
For further information about ALCS’s copyright education resources, please take a look at our copyright education hub.