Mal Peet Writing Competition
This ALCS-sponsored writing competition is in honour of children’s author, Mal Peet, who lived in Devon and was the curator of the Exetreme Imagination Festival 2014.
Mal was a wonderful friend and supporter of ALCS, and we are delighted to promote this exciting competition in his memory. On numerous occasions he helped us promote the importance of respecting copyright both within ALCS Copyright Education programmes for students and when meeting with politicians.
The competition is aimed at children and young people up to the age of 18, with the intention of igniting a passion in them about writing and the possibilities of being a writer.
This year’s competition
Children and young people can enter one of three age categories for the competition:
- under 11;
- under 14;
- under 18.
There will be one winner and two runners-up in each category; the winner will receive a £50 gift token from Waterstones, and the runners-up will each receive a book prize.
Another Time, Another Place
Use the picture below (from The Chronicles of Harris Burdick) as the starting point for a story of no more than 500 words. Be creative and let your imagination run wild!
What do you think is happening in this picture?
Where is the track leading to?
Who are the people?
Has the boat got anything to do with story?
What happens next?
What answer is he looking for?
To take part in the competition, an entry fee of £30 per class (maximum of 30) or £10 for an individual entry must be paid. You can pay online here.
How to enter
Teachers can enter a set of stories from a whole class or from individuals, and individuals can enter on their own. Please download the entry form and send a printed, signed copy with the submission.
Key dates
Closing Date: 15 August 2018
Prizes Announced: 28 September 2018
Award Ceremony: 21 October 2018 at The Phoenix, Exeter, awarded by Philip Reeve and Sara McIntyre
About Exetreme Imagination
The festival is a collaboration of Exeter’s arts and culture organisations, who come together to produce an exciting programme of events aimed at young people, age 2 to 25.
You can find all our Copyright Education resources here.
You can read the full details of the Mal Peet writing competition here.