Quoting someone else’s work in your next book or article?
The Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS) are hosting a free webinar, Clearing Permissions for Authors, to introduce authors, editors and freelancers to PLS PermissionsRequest, their free tool to help you secure permission quickly and easily.
If you intend to quote from a poem or use a short extract from a published work in a new book, article or thesis, you may need permission to do so. Whether you’re quoting from a book, magazine, or a work you found online, why not learn the ins and outs of getting permission for published content using PLS PermissionsRequest. There is an introductory 60-minute webinar which includes plenty of time for questions.
Date: 9 September 2019
Time: 3pm-4pm BST, including a chance to ask questions
Cost: Free
Book your place here.