Don’t miss out on your UK PLR payments: Take action before the 30 June 2018 deadline!
In your ALCS payments, you may receive money under the Public Lending Right (PLR) for the loaning of your books in libraries overseas in countries like France, Germany, and the Netherlands.
In the UK, PLR is administered on behalf of the Government by the British Library. This is an important income stream for many authors and ALCS would suggest that, if you haven’t already done so, you take action now by registering directly with PLR to ensure you receive any money owed to you.
To qualify for PLR payments, applicants must apply to register their books. Further information can be found on the PLR website. PLR payments are made each February directly into your bank account, against a minimum threshold of £1 and a maximum of £6,600.
Each year you’ll receive a statement from PLR with details of loans and payments due for books which you registered in the previous PLR year. You’ll receive a statement each January; if you have an online account, just like with ALCS, you will be advised that your statement is available to view online.
In 2014, the UK PLR scheme was extended to include public library loans of audiobooks and ebooks downloaded to library premises for taking away as loans (‘on-site’ ebook loans).
More recently, a further extension of PLR was brought in under the Digital Economy Act 2017 and will come into force from 1 July 2018, in line with the start of the new PLR year which currently runs from 1 July to 30 June. Any ebooks or e-audiobooks that are remotely loaned out of libraries after this time will be eligible for remuneration. This means data collected from e-lending will be reflected in PLR for the year 2018/19 onwards, with the first payments being made in February 2020.
Barbara Hayes, Deputy CEO of ALCS, said:
“We’ve campaigned tirelessly for years to ensure authors receive payments from all types of lending. This new wave of change brings PLR into the modern age so that authors can maximize their income and receive money that is rightfully due to them. We encourage all ALCS members whose books may be loaned in libraries to register for PLR without delay”.
The full press release and more information on how to register can be found here.