Where are they now?
At ALCS, we’re dedicated to ensuring as many writers as possible are paid for their work. In some cases, we collect money for the works of writers who are not yet members of ALCS and then try our hardest to contact them, so that they can receive the money they are due
We have a team of Author Researchers whose job is to trace and sign-up writers for whom we’re already holding secondary royalties, as well as members we’ve lost contact with. However, this can be tricky if the trail ‘goes cold’ and no contact information can be found, or if an email address, postal address or phone number is found but no response is received.
So, to help as many writers as possible receive the royalties they’re owed for the reuse of their works in these difficult times, we’re asking our members to help. We’ve compiled a list of authors (with examples of books they’ve written) that we’ve been trying to get in contact with, or find details for, for up to two years. It may be that the information we’ve found for them is out of date, that their contact information is not available or simply that they’ve received our correspondence but haven’t responded. So, if you recognise a writer on this list and you have contact details for them, please ask them to get in touch with the respective member of ALCS staff indicated below.
Please do not send any of their personal details to us.
You can read more about our ability to collect for non-members in our Privacy Policy.
Gaynor Coules, Senior Researcher, Gaynor.Coules@alcs.co.uk
Gaynor is trying to contact the following writers:
Dorothy Adams, author, Metaxopoulou Cambridge PET Practice Tests Students Book
Rosemary Bevis, author, Mind the Gap!
Simon Bird, author, Headstart In History: Reformation and Reaction 1485-1750
Alison Deegan, scriptwriter, A Little Chaos
Louis K Dupre, author, Christian Spirituality
David T Duval, author, Tourism and Transport Modes, Networks and Flows
Rachael Harris, author, GCSE Statistics Edexcel
Jayne Hill Eduqas, author, GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition
Michael Reed, author, Educating Hearing Impaired Children in Ordinary and Special Schools
Charlotte Hughes, Researcher, Charlotte.Hughes@alcs.co.uk
Charlotte is trying to contact the following writers:
Di Francis, author, My Highland Kellas Cats
Richard Hanks, author, Common SENse for the Inclusive Classroom
Hazel Maskell, author, What’s Biology All About?
Josephine Pearce, author, A Study Guide for the New Edexcel IGCSE Anthology Poetry
Gillian Shields, author, Sometimes I Feel Sunny
Sydney Thompson, scriptwriter, Eastenders
Andrew Vickery, author, TPC 2005
Louise Wallace, author, Busy Ant Activity Books
Leslie Webster, author, Anglo-Saxon Art: A New History
Helen Woods, author, Handwriting Today
Jack Johnson, Senior Researcher, Jack.Johnson@alcs.co.uk
Jack is trying to contact the following writers:
Paul McCusker, radio adapter, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Laurence Mynors-Wallis, author, Problem Solving Treatment for Anxiety and Depression
John Newman, author, North East and East Kent
Dennis Purcell, author, Minor Injuries
Tiddy Rowan, author, The Little Book of Mindfulness
Louise K. Stewart, author, Rebel Voices: The Rise of Votes for Women
Mark Thomas, author, Mastering People Management: Essential Skills for Building a Winning Team
Sarah Turner, author, Skills Builders Year 6 Teacher’s Guide new edition
Jennifer Tyler, author, Puzzle Adventures 1st Omnibus
Hazel Willard, author, Collins Primary Literacy